Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pretty in Puce

A quick look at First Lady Obama's Inaugural outfit tells us a few things about her personality that we previously may not have known:

1. She is not afraid of some daytime sparkle. (Yay! Let us all follow suit!)
2. She is brave enough to try colors previously only worn by Pixar characters (see: Mike Wazowski in Monster's Inc.)
3. She does not have to wear schmancy designer labels to feel fabulous. (Isabel Toledo dress, JCrew gloves, Jimmy Choo shoes. See also: interview with Leno outfit)
4. She is classic with a twist. (Like Jackie O. meets an Uptown girl)
5. She plans on keeping us surprised with her fashion choices throughout the Presidency.

I, for one, very much look forward to what fashion wheels she will get turning and what fads she will lead.

1 comment:

Morein said...

I loved every aspect of the outfit, especially the way the outfit made glitter a bit more casual, but the color ugh! It looks much better in print than in video feeds. To me it seemed to clash with her skin tone and bring out too much of the yellows. But I am with you, it will be exciting to see what fashion trends resurface in the next four years!
