Wednesday, January 14, 2009


An explanation about my intention for New Years resolutions: I think you should make as many as necessary, to be amended as needed, added often, and the list completed by the end of January (which is the end of the retail year; how appropriate!) or, at the latest, the last day of February. Resolutions are meant to be kept; though, as with all rules, some bending does occur (sans penalty). Resolutions are to be held in high regard by friends and acquaintances, whether or not agreement is achieved (or sought). Resolutions are non-binding and certainly non-legal. Resolutions usually have a reason; however, no reason must be evident, apparent, needed, or given.

So, without further ado, a resolution:

I will not buy another cocktail dress (this year) no matter how good the sale (and employee discount), the reason (another opera with The Tenor), how magnificent I look and/or feel in it (expensive fabrics always make me feel delicious), or how I may try to convince myself otherwise (remember: Masters in counseling).

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